Cash In safe
Cash In safe This insurance covers the money owned by the insured while it is lying in safe against the risk of burglary, robbery, armed holdup and theft committed by forcible & violent entry.
Cash In Transit
By this insurance cover is provided to loss of insured’s money due to forcible, violent external & visible means which includes the risks of robbery, armed holdup, snatching etc, while it is in transit from insured’s business premises to the bank or other place as declared by the insured or vice-versa.
Plasticard Insurance
Shaheen Insurance also provides cover to loss suffered by the insured bank and or other financial institutions issuing plasticards (Credit/Debit Cards) due to misuse of credit card and or fraud.
Personal Accident Insurance
Under this class of insurance cover is provided to individuals against death, personal injury and physical incapacity due to involvement in any accident. Formerly it was popular with individuals only, but it has now found favor with employers who give protection to their employees by taking a Group Personal Accident policy.
Workmen Compensation Insurance
In almost all the countries of the world there is legislation in force under which an employer is held liable to pay compensation to his employees against personal injuries/physical incapacity or loss of life which he (the employee) may sustain while on duty.
Workmen’s policy covers employer’s liability under workmen’s compensation act towards employees’ personal injury by accident or occupational disease in course of employment in the insured’s business.
Fidelity Guarantee Insurance
This insurance policy insures against loss of money &/ or inventory belonging to the insured due to infidelity or dishonesty or misappropriation by the employee(s).
Thus, coverage provided by this policy covers loss sustained by an act of fraud or dishonesty committed by the employee to the employer.
Public Liability Insurance
This policy provides coverage against legal liability to pay for death and /or bodily injury to any person and /or direct damage to the property arising due to accident. Hence, the insured is indemnified in respect of all sums for which he is legally liable to pay for death of or bodily injury to any person and /or direct damage to property by accident and /or negligence by insured’s employees.
Product Liability Insurance
Policy for this line of insurance business covers insured’s legal liability in respect of claims raised by third parties during the period of insurance due to injury or damage caused by a product made by them or sold.
All Risks Insurance
All Risk Insurance policy provides a wide coverage than Norman fire policy for accidental loss or damage to the property insured. The scope of cover is limited through exclusions.
Burglary & House breaking Insurance policy covers loss of property as a result of burglary, robbery, armed holdup & theft due to house breaking by forcible and violent entry.
Any property belonging to a business house or a private person (house hold) can be covered under this insurance policy. The insured is compensated for the loss of property caused by acts mention above.